Sunday 1 April 2007

Lucky Escape

Over the years we have seen resorts that we like and resorts we do not, the ones we do not like are not necessarily bad resorts, they just do not suit our tastes and styles in ski and apres ski. We do, however, spend our winter evenings thumbing through the brochures looking for that resort which has something new or different to offer - they are plentyful at first glance but when you scrutinise them you start to find the minuses. This year was no exception for us, we had set our hearts on a new resort with new challenges, fortunately for us things did not turn out as we had anticipted, which was good for us. "Why?" because we went back to Hinterglemm - Why was this good? Because this season - '2007' - the Alps has had probably the worst snow conditions for many years and the skiers in some of the surrounding resorts were we are told hill walking rather than skiing. The World Cup skiing calender was in turmoil on accasion. Not so in Saalbach/Hinterglemm. 450 or so snow cannons at around 58,000 Euros each and numerous piste bashers at around 300,000 Euros worked around the clock to keep all the major runs open. Granted there is no substitute for fresh powder snow, but we have not found as yet a good wax for skiing on grass.
Many thanks to Saalbach/Hinterglemm for the snow it provided and we hope next year you do not have to work so hard.
Maybe now we do have to look at global warming and how we can all help to control it. We would like to think our sport will grow in strength in the years to come and not be thwarted by mans' intrusion on our climate.
We wish you all sharp edges, a wit to match and all the piste you can bash.
Regards to you all.
Gail & Mervyn.

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